Join the number one crypto community, with an active community of 90+ members, and a team of crypto experts.

Get into crypto coins early, and take advantage of full 24/7 client support and resources to fully understand the blockchain and crypto ecosystem.

Join a Private Network

Creek Calls has a network of 90+ experienced crypto traders and growing.

Whether you are an experienced trader or just getting started, joining our VIP will not only give you an opportunity to make good profits, but also perfect your trading skills.

Our Advantages

Early Entries

First in means first profits.

Profit Signals

We send you real time profit alerts so you can benefit from our knowledge.

Entry Precision

We provide precise tactical entry points

Maximum Gains

We share our profit maximization tactics with all our V.I.P. members.

Our Testimonials

About The Founder

Jachai Hargrove, a seasoned entrepreneur and memecoin trader at just 17 years old, has been deeply involved in the crypto space for several years. He discovered crypto as an OG to "internet wifi money," recognizing its potential early on. This discovery came after starting with Pokémon cards, where he quickly transitioned to digital assets, strategically accumulating them during periods of low value.

As the founder of MiamiExoticRents, Jachai has demonstrated his expertise not only in trading but also in establishing successful ventures. Leading CreekCalls, a group renowned for its accurate predictions of low market cap coins, and founding CreekCalls VIP, showcases his prowess in navigating the cryptocurrency market. Moreover, his establishment of "All In," a vibrant networking group chat in South Florida, reflects his commitment to fostering connections and sharing knowledge within the industry. Jachai's extensive experience in crypto is evident in his impressive track record and consistently high win rate with his calls.


What's the deal with Creek Calls?

Creek Calls is your go-to hub for navigating the wild world of crypto, especially those lesser-known gems. We're all about uncovering hidden opportunities and helping you ride the waves to profit town.

What are these "early news and signals" you keep talking about?

Creek Calls is your go-to hub for navigating the wild world of crypto, especially those lesser-known gems. We're all about uncovering hidden opportunities and helping you ride the waves to profit town.

Why should I trust Creek Calls with my crypto journey?

Great question! Creek Calls isn't just about hype; it's about results. With Jachai at the helm, backed by his track record in both crypto and the luxury game, you've got a guide who knows how to navigate the twists and turns. We're all about turning opportunities into profits.

How can I join the VIP Telegram community?

Super easy! Just hit up that Join button and you'll be smoothly redirected to pay the membership fee. you can settle the bill using either Stripe for the traditional feel or Crypto for that futuristic touch. Once you're all paid up, consider yourself officially part of the crew.

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